Entrepreneur Success Coach Offers Tips To Maximize The Effectiveness Of A Clean Sweep Day, Ultimately Helping Business Owners To See More Results In Their Businesses
Released on = August 12, 2006, 12:51 pm
Press Release Author = Success Connections
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Entrepreneur success coach, Melanie Benson Strick, helps entrepreneurs and individuals get back on track with a Clean Sweep Day.
Press Release Body = Melanie Benson Strick, entrepreneur success coach and president of Success Connections, is launching a national "de-cluttering" campaign, geared to helping entrepreneurs increase their overall effectiveness so they can create more success in their businesses and lives.
According to Strick, the Clean Sweep Challenge - a free one-day event - will help anyone feeling overwhelmed by mounting to-do's, half-finished projects or loose ends. Joining other entrepreneurs across the country, they'll have the opportunity to tackle those challenges by setting aside an 8-hour block of time on Friday, September 1, 2006.
Strick says she has seen her clients experience \"amazing\" results after doing a clean sweep. \"I had one client who couldn\'t get anything done because of all the papers on his desk. He set aside time to tackle that project. Afterwards, he said it was incredible how much work he was able to accomplish.\"
Another client, Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) of Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC had a similar story. \"My office was very cluttered, mostly because I kept running out of places to put things. It was organized, but cluttered. It finally occurred to me one day the reason why I was running out of room was because of all the old files and outdated resources I was hanging on to. I finally took a day and threw out 8 garbage bags of stuff I really didn\'t need anymore. The result? My office is cleaner, I feel better being in it and I have a lot more energy to work on my business.\"
For entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to experience similar results in their businesses and lives, Strick has a few tips to help people make the most of the Clean Sweep Day.
"The first thing to do is mark the time on your calendar and to clear all other obligations so you're not distracted. The second thing is to be realistic about what you do make a commitment to handle that day," Strick said. "I encourage people to make a list of everything they want to work on and then prioritize it the most important things first. Set an intention for 3-5 core things that are the most important, but you might just get beyond that."
To maximize the effectiveness of the campaign, Strick suggests that participants "buddy up" with friends or colleagues to form a support system and create accountability.
"It's a way to really tap into the momentum that's going to get created around it and not feel alone," Strick said.
Free and open to the public, the Clean Sweep Challenge includes a downloadable toolkit available to anyone who registers at http://www.CleanSweepChallenge.com. The toolkit includes the Clean Sweep Assessment and Focus Plan and Strick's "Environments that Pull You Forward" audio program.
Strick has also created a community blog site and encourages participants to log onto the site once in the morning to post their intentions and once in the evening to post their results. She also has come up with a list of sponsors including, SPONSOR LIST, to offer prizes to the participants who have made the best progress by the end of the day.
Strick decided to offer the Clean Sweep Challenge after having achieved excellent results by using the Clean Sweep in her coaching practice - and after having used it herself to get over some technology hurdles.
"When you do it, there's a psychological effect that helps you feel more energetic and passionate about going to work every day again," Strick said. "It's basically taking yourself on a cleaning vacation."
Melanie Benson Strick, \"The Entrepreneur\'s Success Coach,\" offers keynotes speeches, mentoring, training and products designed to get people out of overwhelm and onto the success fast-track. The National Clean Sweep Challenge Day toolkit is available FREE at http://www.CleanSweepChallenge.com
Web Site = http://www.CleanSweepChallenge.com
Contact Details = 14320 Ventura Blvd #222 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818.530.4884
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